Open Market
NOW AVAILABLE! Gain the competitive edge with more time to prepare for devastating shifts in the market, exclusively with SiliconExpert.
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Exclusive Insights
When you have information that your competitor's don't you claim the first move advantage.

More Time to Prepare
Open Market can detect when a big change is coming, giving you time to properly prepare.

Unparalleled Savings
Unique insights empower bold decision-making that could save you millions.
Why You Need Open Market
We’ve developed the early warning system that offers you the massive advantage of foresight.
With Open Market, you’ve already solved a problem when your competition is first learning it exists.

Sell Excess Inventory to the Open Market
Get excess inventory off the books! Your unused buffer stock is costing your company warehousing fees while it ages out of utility. Now you can assess liquidity and make room for growth efficiently within SiliconExpert’s Open Market module.

How Many of Your Parts Are on the High Risk Parts List?
Our expert data analysts found specific patterns on the open market that indicate an upcoming market shift in subsequent weeks. These shifts are in regards to price, lead time, and/or inventory availability, and reflect a negative outcome. With the Open Market tool, we are able to identify and flag these patterns, and classify the affected parts as High Risk Parts. How many of your parts are on this list?

Levels of Open Market
Monitor Current Open Market Activity & Trends
✓ Market Macro View
✓ Technology Trends
✓ Market Update Reports
Scrutinize Your BOM Within the Open Market
✓ Market Macro View
✓ Technology Trends
✓ Market Update Reports
✓ Demand Trends
✓ High Risk Parts
✓ BOM Risk
See It In Action!
Learn more about the game-changing difference Open Market can make for you!
Fill out the form below to see the tool perform in real-time with a personalized quote & demo with one of our knowledgeable sales representatives.