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EU REACH SCIP Compliance

Learn why is it important to adhere to new changes to compliance regulations that took effect recently.

Being able to access the right data easily with no worry of questionable accuracy is paramount when trying to keep up in all areas of compliance.

How will they impact your company? Discussions will include SCIP: Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products), Directive (EU) 2018/851 amending the Original Waste Framework Directive 2008 and IUCLID: International Uniform Chemical Information Database, used to manage data in a regulatory context.

SiliconExpert’s data intelligence and supply chain management solutions are the link to the changing landscape of compliance.

SiliconExpert’s Compliance Senior Product Manager, Hani Ahmad, and Senior Product Manager, Vern Densler present an informative webinar about these compliance obligations. Hani Ahmad is Senior Product Manager, Compliance at SiliconExpert. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering, Hani has spent the last 19 years with SiliconExpert developing new solutions, processes and tools. His focus today is on building new solutions for the electronics industry that enables customers to adhere to environmental rules and regulations and avoid production delays. Vernon Densler is a Senior Product Manager at SiliconExpert. He has been with SiliconExpert since 2018 and previously spent 18 years at Northrop Grumman as both a Systems Engineer and Manager in charge of Obsolescence Management and Spares & Repairs. Vernon holds a BS in Computer Information Systems, Management from Florida Institute of Technology. Vernon frequently speaks at industry events and symposiums, where he is able to use his experience in the Parts Management field to assist in furthering best practices and the Parts Management discipline.

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