Supply Chain Risk Management, Enhanced

By: Tara Robinson on March 20th, 2023

Reactive and proactive resilience building just got better.


As the industry experts in electronic components, SiliconExpert has a new and improved Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) add-on for the P5 platform. The tool has recently undergone useful data enhancements, feature updates, and sleek visual upgrades- the latest in a series of UI improvements for SCRM, making it one of the fastest evolving risk management tools available.

Customers rely on SiliconExpert for our expansive parts database, which is why SCRM now includes more integration with deeper GeoRisk data, plus component crosses, all with intuitive functionality in mind. Pictured in the parts grid below, the parts are sorted with high-risk parts appearing first. Upon further expansion, detailed information is revealed on the parts’ factory sites’ locations, all the way down to the street addresses and postal codes.

The SCRM add-on also facilitates easier collaboration between supply chain teams and design engineers, both of whom can benefit from the pop-out crosses available directly from the new parts grid.

To better support both supply chain and design teams through electronics components procurement, SCRM now boasts a clearer, more consolidated interface. The dynamic map pictured below shows new clustered manufacturing site locations that allow users to easily analyze where parts are made, allowing more resilience than ever before to be engineered into supply chains from the beginning.

Ready to Learn More About SCRM?

Curious to learn more about the advanced functionality available within SCRM? Find out more about the tool and access additional resources, including webinars and learning material.

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