SiliconExpert Business Intelligence As-A-Service
New! SiliconExpert Custom Data As-A-Service Offering
Imagine a high-level dashboard with all the insights and analytics related to your organization’s entire part library. Imagine having:
Visibility across all business units for cost-saving purposes.If two business units are using the same part, then there is an opportunity to consolidate and purchase from one supplier, resulting in volume cost savings.If two business units are using very similar parts, there is an opportunity to cross-reference, and reduce the size of your corporate parts library and avoid the unnecessary and costly expansion of it through parts re-use, vendor consolidation, and aggregate-on-spend strategic sourcing, and also help with cost savings.Component visibility across all business units allows for efficiencies in risk mitigation:When multiple business units are using the same part, it is best to do risk mitigation only once.This reveals opportunities for better lifetime buys, finding alternate parts, etc.
SiliconExpert makes this a reality with our new data-a-a-service offering. Visit -base-url-/SEBIS to learn more!
Click here to learn more by downloading our new data sheet on SiliconExpert Data-As-A-Service.