Regulation and Compliance updates
New European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)SCIP Database
Waste Framework Directive Compels Need for New SCIP Database On September 9, 2019, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published new information requirements for articles with high-interest material (SVHCs) which will be published in a forthcoming database that will be referred to as the SCIP database. …
Playing Russian Roulette with Counterfeit Part Suppliers
Business Area Challenges and the Evolution of MitigationA 5 Part Weekly Thought Leadership Article SeriesArticle 4: Playing Russian Roulette with Counterfeit Part Suppliers Guest Author: George Karalias, Industry Executive Consultant Ever come to a point in product development where you are ready to go to production…
LIVE WEBINAR: Navigating the Obstacles of Obsolescence
Join SiliconExpert’s Senior Product Manager, Vern Densler, and Industry Consultant, George Karalias on September 19 at 11:00 am MST/1:00 pm EST for an informative dialogue about how obsolescence can be mitigated by navigating through valuable supply chain data that may be hiding in plain sight. At…
Miss the August 20 Webinar: Internal Obstacles to Effective Obsolescence Management?
On-Demand Now Available! Most organizations – large and small – need to make decisions that are sensible and well-considered before allowing money to be spent, or resources to be invested. But there are internal obstacles around every corner… What if nobody else in the business…
The Economic Benefits of Supply Chain Transparency
Business Area Challenges and the Evolution of MitigationA 5 Part Weekly Thought Leadership Article SeriesArticle 3: The Economic Benefits of Supply Chain Transparency Co-Authors: Hani Ahmad, SiliconExpert Senior Product Manager- Compliance & George Karalias, Industry Executive Consultant Do you know the origins of your supply chain? …
SiliconExpert alongside EMA Design Automation announce SiliconExpert CONNECT BOM Risk for OrCAD
New Risk Assessment Tool from SiliconExpert and EMA Design Automation Prevents BOM Rejection SiliconExpert, a world leader in electronic component databases and parts information alongside EMA Design Automation, an innovator in the development of electronic product design solutions and methodologies, announced the first product of…
Data is Finding the Missing Puzzle Piece: Start with Strategic Obsolescence Management
Business Area Challenges and the Evolution of Mitigation Co-Authors: Vern Densler, Senior Product Manager & George Karalias, Industry Executive Consultant Doesn’t it irritate you when you’ve nearly completed a complex, masterpiece puzzle that you’ve been working on for days and you realize there’s one piece…
Persistent Sandcastles: Understanding and Mitigating Business Area Challenges
Business Area Challenges and the Evolution of MitigationA 5 Part Weekly Thought Leadership Article SeriesAuthor: George Karalias, Industry Executive Consultant Not too long ago, running a business meant having good relationships with suppliers that were the life blood of your production schedule. If you were…
New SiliconExpert On Demand Webinar Channel
Miss One of SiliconExpert’s Informative 2019 Market Insights Webinar? Check out SiliconExpert’s new dedicated on demand webinar channel @ you can find library of all our most recent 2019 Market Insights webinars to help educate and navigate you in your journey to more effective and…
Congratulations MIT Hyperloop II Team: 1st of all US Teams @ SpaceX Hyperloop Competition IV
MIT Hyperloop II team places 1st out of all the US teams and 5th internationally at the @SpaceX Hyperloop Competition IV on July 21 The MIT Hyperloop II team faced some tough challenges and triumphantly came out of the tunnel ranked #1 among the USA…