API Documentation
SiliconExpert API Documentation

SiliconExpert’s web services provide a software interface to SiliconExpert’s comprehensive database and tools, and allow integration with customer websites, PLM, design or CAD tools. Web service feeds allow you to add component data to your tools while leaving data accuracy & management to SiliconExpert.

The Part Discovery uses the REST protocol, and provides data structured as XML or JSON. This service provides a number of search tools, including:

  • Alert Operations
  • IPC Export
  • Part Search
  • Manufacturer Search
  • Parametric Operations
  • Keyword Search
  • PCN Operation
  • Cross Reference Search
  • Part Detail Search
  • Supplier Profile Search
  • User Status
  • BOM Operations
Authentication Operation

You MUST request this operation in order to be able to access all other operations.

There is no need to authenticate for every request, you only need to authenticate once to obtain an active session, and as long as your session is active (the session is invalidated after 30 Minutes of inactivity) you can keep requesting the API without authenticating again.

As for cookie management, you must resend all the cookies you received from the authentication response at every subsequent request.

Regarding an example of how to achieve this in various programming languages, please view the code snippet section at keyword search.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/authenticateUser?



A) Mandatory parameters

  • login: User name.
  • apiKey: Password.

B) Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


We recommend using the POST method. Please make sure that you allow cookies.

Below is an exmample of authentication using the “Postman” tool.



  • Status: Returned at all operations, and represents the operation’s status either success or failure. It contains the following sub-elements:
    • Code: Represents message number in the Service.
    • Message: Success or error message.
    • Success: Operation’s success boolean indicator (true/false).


Request samples


Authenticate by username and password and receive response in default JSON format.
Authenticate by username and password and receive response in XML format.

Alert and ACL Operations

Alert and ACL Operations section entails

  • Add Part to ACL List
  • Alert Part Detail Updates
  • Delete Part from ACL List
  • Get Alert Part Updates
  • Get Alert Updates Of The Day
  • Last Alert Update Date
  • List Added ACL Parts
Add Part to ACL List

This operation adds parts to the list of monitored parts to get notifications on them whenever any change happens.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/addPart?


Mandatory parameters

One of the below parameters must be entered:

  • comIds: Comma separated string contains the SE com ids to be added.
  • customParts:JSON string represents user’s parts in the below form:
[{"cpn":"cpn1","sePartNumber":"Bav99","seManufacturer":"Rohm","partNumber":"pn1","manufacturer":"man1","seComId":"15888796","features":[{"custFeatureName":"fet1","value":"fet-val1"},{"custFeatureName":"Life Cycle","value":"Active"}]}]

Note: The mandatory parameters of the above JSON string are either (seComId) or (sePartNumber and seManufacturer). Other parameters are optional.

Note 2: In case both comIds and customParts are entered, comIds only will be used.

Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


Returns added parts with the below elements:

  • insertionDate: Insertion date if adding the parts was successful.
  • addedParts: List of the added parts.
    • <span class="Kjmwqj48">comId</span> : SE com Id.
    • sePartNumber: Part number that match the input part number in SE database.
    • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
    • CPN: Customer part number.
    • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
    • partNumber: Part number.
    • features: Custom features.
    • partId: Unique identifier for added part number and manufacturer.
    • status status error message in case of this specific part was not added.

Sample request

Add parts by JSON:

https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/alert/addPart?customParts=[{"cpn":"cpn1","sePartNumber":"Bav99","seManufacturer":"Rohm","partNumber":"pn1","manufacturer":"man1","features":[{"custFeatureName":"fet1","value":"fet-val1"},{"custFeatureName":"Life Cycle","value":"Active"}]},{"cpn":"cpn2","sePartNumber":"Bav99","seManufacturer":"Vishay","partNumber":"pn2","manufacturer":"man2","features":[{"custFeatureName":"fet2","value":"fet-val2"},{"custFeatureName":"RoHS","value":"Yes"}]}]

Add parts by custom JSON.


Add parts by com ids.

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Alert Part Detail Updates

This operation retrieves a list of all parts that have any of the requested part detail features updated on SiliconExpert within a time interval.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/partDetailUpdates?

Supported Features

Currently the following features are supported:


Mandatory Inputs

  • fromDate: The start date for alerts, format : mm/dd/yyyy.
  • toDate: The end date for alerts, format : mm/dd/yyyy.
  • alertTypes: Comma separated string containing the features types to get its updates case insensitive.

Optional Inputs

  • pageNo: Page number. this parameter is shared across all requested features. Default is 1.
  • sort: either “desc” or “asc”
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


The output is an array of changes DTO. Each changes object contains an element called “changedFeature” which indicates which feature this update is for, and an array of “changedParts” DTO.Each changedParts DTO contains the following parameters:

  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: The SE component id.
  • partNumber: The Part number.
  • manufacturer: The manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: The part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • changeDate: The date of modification.
  • newVal: The new value of the feature after the update.
  • oldVal: The old value of the feature before the update.

Sample Request

&featureType=MSL,Package Length,rohs,lifecycle&pageNo=1




Category Feature
Design Resources Reference design Schematic
Design Resources Design Description
Design Resources Reference Design Document
Manufacturing Base Material
Manufacturing Maximum Reflow Temperature
Manufacturing Reflow Temp. Source
Manufacturing Wave Temp. Source
Manufacturing Under Plating Porosity Free
Manufacturing Maximum Wave Temperature
Manufacturing Wave Solder Time
Manufacturing Lead Finish
Manufacturing Under Plating Material
Manufacturing Terminal Base Material
Manufacturing MSL
Manufacturing Maximum Reflow Temperature
Manufacturing Number of Reflow Cycle
Manufacturing Standard
Manufacturing Reflow Solder Time
Package Package Dimension Length
Package Package Dimension Width
Package Package Dimension Height
Package Basic Package Type
Package Jedec
Package Lead Shape
Package Package Description
Package Package Diameter
Package Package Height
Package Package Length
Package Package Material
Package Package Outline
Package Package Width
Package PCB
Package Pin Pitch
Package Seated Plane Height
Package Supplier Package
Package Pin Count
Package Mounting
Package Tab
Package Standard Package Name
Package Package Family Name
Package Mounting Type
Package Operating Junction Temperature
Package ESD Source of Information
Packaging Packaging Suffix
Packaging Hole Center to Component Center
Packaging Lead Clinch Height
Packaging Component Orientation
Packaging Packaging
Packaging Packaging Document
Qualification STANDARD
Qualification FILE_NUMBER
Qualification AEC_PDF_ID
Qualification EE_PDF_ID
Qualification AEC_Qualified
Qualification AEC_Qualified_NO
Qualification AUTOMOTIVE
Qualification PPAP
Qualification CECC_Qualified
Qualification CECC_Qualified_NO
Qualification EEE
Qualification ESCC_Qualified
Qualification GENERIC
Qualification DETAIL
Qualification VALID_UNTIL_DATE
Qualification ESD_PROTECTION
Qualification ESD_CLASS
Summary Lifecycle
Summary Dose level
Summary RoHS
Summary Introduction Date
Summary Lead Finish Material
Summary Rad hard
Parametric Minimum Operating Temperature
Parametric Maximum Operating Temperature
Parametric Maximum Storage Temperature
Parametric Package/Case
Parametric Mounting
Parametric Number of Terminals
Parametric Product Depth
Parametric Product Height
Parametric Seated Plane Height
Price and lead time AVG Price
Price and lead time Min Lead Time
Price and lead time Max Lead Time
Country of Origin Country of Origin
Country of Origin COO URL
Tape and Reel/Tubes Source of Information
Tape and Reel/Tubes Tape and Reel/Tubes Packaging
Obsolescence Estimated Years To EOL
Obsolescence Years to EOL Comment
Obsolescence EIA-724 Code
Obsolescence Predicted Obsolescence Year
Obsolescence Obsolescence / LTB date
Obsolescence Range Y to EOL Minimum
Obsolescence Range Y to EOL Maximum
Obsolescence Risk Percentage
Obsolescence LC Risk
Obsolescence Multisourcing Risk
Obsolescence RoHS Risk
Obsolescence Availability Risk
Obsolescence Last Checked Date if different
Base Class of parts Product Line
FIT Info Condition Name
FIT Info Condition Value Online Tool
FIT Info FIT Info Source of Information
Inventory Inventory Quantity
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Delete Part from ACL List

This operation removes parts from the monitored list and stop getting updates on them.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/deletePart?


Mandatory Inputs

One of the below three parameters must be entered:

  • partIDs: Comma separated list of the ids of the parts to be deleted.
  • comIDs: Comma separated list of SE com Ids to be deleted.
  • customParts:  JSON array of SE part number and SE manufacturer pairs to be deleted in the below form:

Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • <span class="Kjmwqj48">deletedParts</span>: List of the deleted parts:
    • deleteStatus: status per part. “Part deleted successfully” in case of successful deletion or “Part doesn’t exist” in case of wrong part id.
    • partID: Id of each part (If delete by part id).
    • comID: Com Id of each part (If delete by com id).
    • customPart: SE part number and SE manufacturer of each part (If delete by custom parts).

Sample request

Delete parts with ids 123456789 or 987654321.
Delete parts with com id = 35793342.
Delete parts with SE part number = BAV99 and SE manufacturer = vishay.

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Get Alert Part Updates

This operation retrieves a list of all parts that have been updated on SiliconExpert within a time interval.

To retrieve all parts which have updates, you can break them into batches by filling the parameter “pageNo” and specifying only one alert type, if “pageNo” parameter is empty the number of available pages for this category will be returned, then you can pull all the changes by paging over the available pages (batches) returned. If more than one alert type is provided, only a sample of the updates will be returned.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/getUpdates?


Mandatory Inputs

  • fromDate: The start date for alerts, format : MM/dd/yyyy.
  • toDate: The end date for alerts, format : MM/dd/yyyy.

Optional Inputs

  • alertTypes: Comma separated string (no spaces) case insensitive containing the alert types to get its updates.

Possible values are:

  • gidep
  • lifecycle
  • pcn
  • datasheet
  • supplieracquisition
  • rohs
  • reach
  • chemical
  • rohsexemption
  • reachversion

Blank for all applicable alert types.

  • pageNo: Batch number. Entered only if searching by one alert type. If blank will return the number of batches (pages).
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.



  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • changeDate: Date of modification.
  • typeOfChange: Type of change in this alert, possible values are Add, Modify and Delete.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldDS: Old datasheet.
  • newDS: New datasheet.
  • modificationDate: Date of modification.
  • typeOfChange: Change type.
  • changedFeatures: List of the modified features.


  • gidepAlertType: The GIDEP summary name and GIDEP Document Type.
  • gidepDocument: GIDEP Document number, it is a number assigned by the originator of the document. In the case of Failure Experience and Product Information the document number follows the format PC-X-YY-## (PC=participant code, X=document type, YY=fiscal year, and ##=sequence number).
  • gidepDocumentDate: The date assigned to the document by the originator. Document date provides the user with the actual maturity of the document.
  • manufacturer:  Supplier name.
  • cageCode: A five (5) position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the Federal Government.
  • description: The abstract provides a short summary of the contents of the report. Please note abstracts are currently only available under “Report Formats” not “Fixed length fields”.
  • urlSource: We do not display GIDEP documents at our website instead we display the following (Please Contact GIDEP for Document #[GIDEP Document number].
  • affectedParts: List of the affected part number, SE part number, CPN, comId and manufacturer.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldStatus: Life cycle old status.
  • newStatus: Life cycle new status.
  • ltbDate: Last time buy date.
  • sourceType: Source from where we got this life cycle status.
  • source: URL of the Life cycle document.
  • reason: The reason why the life cycle status changed from a state to another.


  • pcnType: Type of the PCN document.
  • pcnNumber: Supplier PCN number (may be an ID or just a numbers).
  • pcnDate: Date assigned to the document by the originator. Document date provides the user with the actual maturity of the document.
  • urlSource: URL of the PCN document.
  • manufacturer: Supplier name.
  • description: General Definition of the change.
  • effectiveDate: Date in which the change take effect.
  • affectedParts: Array of the affected part number, comId, manufacturer, CPN, old status, current status , ltbDate and lastShipDate.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • ds:  Data sheet


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • changeDate:  Date of modification.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • changeDate:  Date of modification.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • ds:  Data sheet.


  • dateOfAcquisition: Date of acquisition.
  • seller: Seller name.
  • buyer: Buyer name.
  • acquisitionType: Is used to determine if the acquisition is Partial or Full.
  • details: Information that shows the real relationship between suppliers (seller and buyer) and determine affected business with transfer.
  • source: Document that contains the details of acquisition information.

Sample request


Return updates for (gidep, rohs, PCN and datasheet).

Return updates for al alert types.

Return the number of batches for gidep alert within a date range.

Return the page number 1 in the gidep available updates.

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Get Alert Updates Of The Day

This operation returns the latest parts updates found in SiliconExpert database intersected with the current user’s ACL list.

User can query on one or more alert type (e.g. datasheet updates) without worring about the date intervale parameter to filter alert by, as this operation automatically detect the lower bound start and the upper bound end of dates interval. The automatically detected dates by this operation are the bounds of the last update date of this alert data type at SiliconExpert database.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/getUpdatesOfTheDay?


Optional Inputs

  • alertTypes: Comma separated string (no spaces) case insensitive containing the alert types to get its updates.

Possible values are:


Blank for all applicable alert types.

  • pageNo: Batch number. Entered only if searching by one alert type. If blank will return the number of batches (pages).
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.



  • from: The date interval that this operation detected as the lower bound of search date.
  • to: The date interval that this operation detected as the upper bound of search date.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.updates.partUpdates.chemicalDTO.changeDate">changeDate</span>: Date of modification.
  • typeOfChange: Type of change in this alert, possible values are Add, Modify and Delete.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldDS: Old datasheet.
  • newDS: New datasheet.
  • modificationDate: Date of modification.
  • typeOfChange: Change type.
  • changedFeatures: List of the modified features.


  • gidepAlertType: The GIDEP summary name and GIDEP Document Type.
  • gidepDocument: GIDEP Document number, it is a number assigned by the originator of the document. In the case of Failure Experience and Product Information the document number follows the format PC-X-YY-## (PC=participant code, X=document type, YY=fiscal year, and ##=sequence number).
  • gidepDocumentDate: The date assigned to the document by the originator. Document date provides the user with the actual maturity of the document.
  • manufacturer:  Supplier name.
  • cageCode: A five (5) position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the Federal Government.
  • description: The abstract provides a short summary of the contents of the report. Please note abstracts are currently only available under “Report Formats” not “Fixed length fields”.
  • urlSource: We do not display GIDEP documents at our website instead we display the following (Please Contact GIDEP for Document #[GIDEP Document number].
  • affectedParts: List of the affected part number, SE part number, CPN, comId and manufacturer.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldStatus: Life cycle old status.
  • newStatus: Life cycle new status.
  • ltbDate: Last time buy date.
  • sourceType: Source from where we got this life cycle status.
  • source: URL of the Life cycle document.
  • reason: The reason why the life cycle status changed from a state to another.


  • pcnType: Type of the PCN document.
  • pcnNumber: Supplier PCN number (may be an ID or just a numbers).
  • pcnDate: Date assigned to the document by the originator. Document date provides the user with the actual maturity of the document.
  • urlSource: URL of the PCN document.
  • manufacturer: Supplier name.
  • description: General Definition of the change.
  • effectiveDate: Date in which the change take effect.
  • affectedParts: Array of the affected part number, comId, manufacturer, CPN, old status, current status , ltbDate and lastShipDate.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • ds:  Data sheet


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • changeDate:  Date of modification.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • changeDate:  Date of modification.


  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • comId: SE component id.
  • partNumber: Part number.
  • manufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: Manufacturer of the SE part number.
  • oldValue: Old value.
  • newValue: New value.
  • ds:  Data sheet.


  • dateOfAcquisition: Date of acquisition.
  • seller: Seller name.
  • buyer: Buyer name.
  • acquisitionType: Is used to determine if the acquisition is Partial or Full.
  • details: Information that shows the real relationship between suppliers (seller and buyer) and determine affected business with transfer.
  • source: Document that contains the details of acquisition information.

Sample request


Last Alert Update Date

The Last Alert Update Date operation enable alert users to know the last database updated date.  The URL format should be in the formatting to get the getLastUpdateDate parameters:
ProductAPI / search / alert / getLastUpdateDate


Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


Returns a list of added Parts.

  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.LastUpdateDate">
    : Last updated date.

Sample request


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List Added ACL Parts

This operation retrieves a list of user added parts. With the ability to filter the added parts by CPN, MPN, manufacturer or com id. If more than one filter is entered (i.e. CPN and MPN), returned result is the intersection between them (AND operator).

URL format: ProductAPI/search/alert/listParts


Optional parameters

  • pageNo: Page number. Default = 1.
  • perPage: Count of parts per page. Default = 100,  max = 500.
  • cpn: Filter results by CPN.
  • mpn: Filter results by MPN.
  • man: Filter results by manufacturer.
  • comId: Filter results by com id.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


Returns a list of added Parts.

  • sePartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • seManufacturer: The manufacturer that matched the input manufacturer in SE database.
  • partNumber: The Part number.
  • manufacturer: The manufacturer.
  • CPN: Customer part number.
  • partId: The unique identifier for added part number and manufacturer.
  • comId: SiliconExpert component id.

Sample request


Return added parts list filtered by MPN and manufacturer. Get Page number 1 and 200 per page in XML format.


Return added parts list filtered by com id in default JSON format.

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Cross Type Definition
Code Definition
A Pin to Pin drop in replacement with exact electrical features.
A/Upgrade Pin to Pin drop in replacement, but the crossed device has better performance in specific key parameters.
A/Downgrade Pin to Pin drop in replacement, but the original device has better performance in specific key parameters.
B Pin to Pin compatible with minor electrical differences and/or minor package dimension also it may have a combination of upgrade and downgrade specific features.
B/Upgrade Pin to Pin compatible with minor electrical differences and/or minor package dimension, but the crossed device has better performance in specific key parameters.
B/Downgrade Pin to Pin compatible with minor electrical differences and/or minor package dimension, but the original device has better performance in specific key parameters.
C Pin to Pin compatible with major electrical differences also it may have a combination of upgrade and downgrade specific features.
C/Upgrade Pin to Pin compatible with major electrical differences, but the crossed device has better performance in specific key parameters.
C/Downgrade Pin to Pin compatible with major electrical differences, but the original device has better performance in specific key parameters.
D The two devices have similar functionality with a different package and/or pinout.
F/Downgrade The crossed device has the same functionality with a smaller number of logic cells (in FPGA | CPLD projects).
F/Upgrade The crossed device has the same functionality with a larger number of logic cells (in FPGA | CPLD projects).
F The crossed device has the same functionality (in FPGA | CPLD projects).
S Supplier Recommended Alternate, does not match parametric cross criteria.
Error Codes and Messages

Errors/Messages Key Value Dictionary

Code Message
-1 Internal Error
0 Successful Operation
1 Invalid User Name Or Password
2 Authentication Succeeded
3 No Results Found
4 PartNumber(s) Must Be Entered
5 You Have Exceeded Your List Limit
6 Wrong Page Number
7 Invalid Rows Range
8 COM ID(s) Must Be Entered
9 Wrong COM ID(s)
9 No granted features found
10 You Are Not Authorized To Perform That Operation
11 Wrong MAN ID
12 Manufacturer Name Or Manufacturer Id must be entered
13 Wrong Parts Input
14 Quota search limit exceeded
17 Concurrent requests limit exceeded
18 Invalid sorting fields or sort types
19 Unauthorized IP address
20 Invalid or missing SE part number
21 Invalid part Id
21 MisInvalid date range
23 Invalid or missing manufacturer
24 Invalid or missing part number
24 Invalid or missing description query
25 Invalid or missing Com ids or custom Parts parameters
25 Invalid or missing category name or category id
25 Invalid com id
26 Invalid category id
26 Invalid features format
27 Missing alert types
28 Missing feature name or feature value
29 Missing or invalid ACL ID
30 CPN,partNumber and manufacturer already exist
31 Part Number and/or Manufacturer does not exist
32 Invalid page number
32 Invalid page size
36 Invalid custom parts json format
37 Part number terms must contain only alphanumeric characters
37 Description terms must contain only alphanumeric characters
38 Com Id or part number and manufacturer must be entered
39 You are not authenticated
40 Part not found
40 Man name is missing
41 No part could be added. You’ve exceeded your number of allowed parts
41 Invalid page number or page size format
42 Invalid Date Format
42 Date range is not allowed in smartpcn single search mode
43 Invalid Paging Format
43 Missing paging parameters
44 PCNS can not exceed 50 pcn
44 PCNS can not exceed 5 documents
45 Invalid date format,please use MM/dd/yyyy format
46 Invalid CPNs JSON format
47 Missing CPNs
48 Wrong sorting param,asc or desc only allowed
49 Invalid JSON Format
50 Invalid PCN Token
51 BOM Data Can’t be Empty
52 Invalid BOM JSON Format
53 Match Code is Required
54 SE Part Number is Required
55 Exceeded Max Parts at BOM
79 You have no uploaded data
IPC Export

Returns the IPC document for the passed part number in XML format.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/IPCExport?


Main parameters

  • comId: The SE component id, mandatory if partNumber and mfr not present.
  • partNumber: Component part number, mandatory if com id not present.
  • mfr: Manufacturer, mandatory if com id not present.

Optional parameters

  • class: Class filter (possible values are :a, c and d) return all if not present.


The output for this service is an XML file containing the IPC information for the requested part.

Sample request



Keyword Search Operation

Performs keyword search using the provided part number.

However manufacturer name and/or description can be used instead or in combination with  part number.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/partsearch?


Main parameters

  • partNumber: Represents part and/or manufacturer and/or description.

Optional parameters

  • mfr: Manufacturer name needed to filter with.
  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default, page size=50.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page and max is 250.
  • wildcardSingle: A single char distance wildcard search. Replace a question mark ‘?’ with the character at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • wildcardMulti: A multi char distance wildcard search. Replace an asterisks ‘*’ with the set of characters at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • sort: A semicolon separated list of fields used to sort results. Available values are (partnumber, manufacturer, rohs, lifecycle), asc and desc. default sorting is asc if not specified. It is in the form of field1:asc;field2:desc
  • showNullFields: A boolean flag, when true it returns the “null” objects as null in the response instead of hiding them.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • ComID: The SE component id.
  • PartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE DB.
  • Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the part number.
  • PlName: Product line name.
  • Description: Description for product name, it consists of values of some important parameters to give  brief information about each product name.
  • Datasheet: Data sheet URL.
  • Lifecycle: Part status in the market like Preliminary, Active, NRND, LTB, Obsolete, Unconfirmed…
  • RoHS: Environmental status for the part number like Yes, No, Not Required, RoHS 5/6.
  • MatchRating: Match rating flag.
  • AliasData: Alias data is type and note of acquired or alias.
  • TaxPath: The taxonomy path (names) of the part (Main Category > Sub Category > Product Line).
  • TaxonomyPathID: The taxonomy path (names) of the part (Main Category ID > Sub Category ID > Product Line ID).
  • ECADModels: ECAD data (SchematicSymbol, PCBFootprint and Model3D). SiliconExpert has teamed with Ultra Librarian to provide engineers access pre-built schematic symbols, PCB footprints, and 3D models directly within the SiliconExpert platform. Access and download the appropriate ECAD models, 3D models on components.
  • CustomerData: User’s ACL data (COM_ID, CPN, MPN, Supplier and ACL_Features).

Sample request


https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partsearch?partNumber=bav99 vishay&fmt=xml


https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partsearch?fmt=xml&description=Diode Switching

https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partsearch?fmt=xml;description=Diode Switching&partNumber=bav99

https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partsearch?fmt=xml;description=Diode Switching&operation=OR




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List Part Search

Performs exact/begin with part search using list of part number and optionally manufacturer name.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/ listPartSearch?


Mandatory parameters

  • partNumber: represents from one to a list of requested part numbers.

Optional parameters

  • manufacturer: Manufacturer of the requested part.
  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page and max is 250.
  • mode: Specifies the search mode either “exact” or “beginwith”, exact is the default.
  • wildcardSingle: A single char distance wildcard search. Replace a question mark ‘?’ with the character at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • wildcardMulti: A multi char distance wildcard search. Replace an asterisks ‘*’ with the set of characters at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • customerPartsOnly: Specifies if filtered parts should match parts names in ACL (when “true”) or filter by parts names regardless of being in ACL or not (when “false”). Default is “false” (dosn’t care if partNumber parameter matchs a part name in ACL or not).
  • showNullFields: A boolean flag, when true it returns the “null” objects as null in the response instead of hiding them.
  • fmt: Format of the response (json OR xml) default is json.


  • ComId: The SE component id.
  • PartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the part number.
  • PlName: Product line name.
  • Description: Description for product name, it consists of values of some important parameters to give brief information about each product name.
  • Datasheet: Data sheet URL.
  • Lifecycle: Part status in the market like Preliminary, Active,  NRND, LTB, Obsolete, Unconfirmed…
  • RoHS: Environmental status for the part number like Yes, No, Not Required, RoHS 5/6.
  • MatchRating: Match rating flag.
  • AliasData: Alias data is type and note of acquired or alias.
  • TaxPath: The taxonomy path (names) of the part (Main Category > Sub Category > Product Line).
  • TaxonomyPathID: The taxonomy path (names) of the part (Main Category ID > Sub Category ID > Product Line ID).
  • ECADModels: ECAD data (SchematicSymbol, PCBFootprint and Model3D). SiliconExpert has teamed with Ultra Librarian to provide engineers access pre-built schematic symbols, PCB footprints, and 3D models directly within the SiliconExpert platform. Access and download the appropriate ECAD models, 3D models on components.
  • CustomerData: User’s ACL data (COM_ID, CPN, MPN, Supplier and ACL_Features).

Sample request.

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?0partNumber=%5b%7B%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22%7D,%7B%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22%7D%5d&mode=beginwith&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"bav99wt"},{"partNumber":"bav99"}]&mode=beginwith&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22Nexperia%22},{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22Vishay%22}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"bav99wt","manufacturer":"Nexperia"},{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"Vishay"}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22NXP%20Semiconductors%22},{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22Vishay%22}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"bav99wt","manufacturer":"NXP Semiconductors"},{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"Vishay"}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22},{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22Sensitron%20Semiconductor%22}]&mode=exact&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"bav99wt"},{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"Sensitron Semiconductor"}]&mode=exact&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22},{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22SMC%20Diode%20Solutions%20Co.%20LTD%22}]&mode=exact&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"bav99wt"},{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"SMC Diode Solutions Co. LTD"}]&mode=exact&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{%22partNumber%22:%22B?V97*%22}]&wildcardSingle=?&wildcardMulti=*">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/listPartSearch?partNumber=[{"partNumber":"B?V97*"}]&wildcardSingle=?&wildcardMulti=*</a>
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Manufacturer Search

Manufacturer Search retrieves the  manufacturers names and ids data from Silicon database.   The URL format is as follows: ProductAPI/search/manufacturers?


Main parameters

  • None

Optional parameters:

  • mfr: man name to filter the result with, the search is contains (so a search with ‘isha’ will return Vishay).
  • pageNo: page number, default 1.
  • pageSize: number of results per page, default 100 max 500.
  • fmt: format of the response (json OR xml) default is json

Request Examples:



  • ManufacturerName.
  • ManufacturerID.
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PCN Operation

Retrieves a list of PCNs for the specified (list of) part number(s).By default it returns up to 50 PCNs for each part number per page.

URL format: SearchService/search/pcn?


Mandatory parameters

  • partNumber: represents from one to a list of requested part numbers.

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page.
  • wildcardSingle: a single char distance wildcard search. Replace a question mark ‘?’ with the character at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • wildcardMulti: a multi char distance wildcard search. Replace an asterisks ‘*’ with the set of characters at the index of the desired wildcard.
  • pcns: JSON list of PCN numbers.
  • pcnWildcardMulti: Specifying the character used for wild card multiple character distance.
  • pcnWildcardSingle: Specifying the character used for wild card one character distance.
    fmt: format of the response (JSON OR XML) default is JSON.

Request Examples:

  • Gets all PCNs for the requested part (bav99).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?partNumber=bav99&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?partNumber=bav99&fmt=xml</a>
  • Gets all PCNs for the requested parts (bav99, bav99tr).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?partNumber=bav99,bav99wt&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?partNumber=bav99,bav99wt&fmt=xml</a>
  • Query for PCN by PCN number.
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?pcns=[{%22pcnNum%22:%20%22PCN17004A%22}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?pcns=[{"pcnNum": "PCN17004A"}]</a>
  • Query for PCN by PCN number wild card.
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?pcns=[{%22pcnNum%22:%20%22PCN170?4A%22}]&pcnWildcardSingle=?">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/pcn?pcns=[{"pcnNum": "PCN170?4A"}]&pcnWildcardSingle=?</a>


  • PCNNumber: Supplier PCN Number.
  • Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the part number.
  • DescriptionOfChange: General Definition of the change.
  • Source: URL of the PCN document.
  • TypeOfChange: Defines the type of change that happen to any parts mentioned in any PCN or PDN.
  • AffectedProductName: Affected product of this PCN.


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Part Detail Search

Retrieves a list of part detail data for the specified (list of) com Id(s).

By default it returns up to 50 part details per page. Each part detail is specified to one com Id.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/partDetail?


Mandatory parameters

  • comIds: Represent from one to a list of requested com ids.

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.

Every page has up to 50 part details. The page number 1 will list the part details for the first 50 com ids ,the page number 2 will list the part details for the second 50 com ids and so on.

  • showNullFields: This is a boolean flag. When this value is true, it returns the “null” objects as null in the response  – instead of hiding them.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partDetail?comIds=16270970&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partDetail?comIds=16270970&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partDetail?comIds=35324203,30372224,52160572&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/partDetail?comIds=35324203,30372224,52160572&fmt=xml</a>

Gets all part details for the requested com ids (35324203,30372224,52160572).


User can view Part Detail XSD dynamically by requesting the below service (after authentication):

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/schema/partDetail/xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/schema/partDetail/xml</a>
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Part Detail Outputs


  • DataProviderID: The SE component id.
  • PLName: Product line name.
  • PartNumber: Part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the part number.
  • ManufacturerID: The SE manufacturer id.
  • PartDescription: Description for product name, it consists of values of some important parameters to give brief information about each product name.
  • Datasheet: Data sheet URL.
  • OnlineSupplierDatasheetURL: Online datasheet of supplier.
  • RadHard: The ability of the device to withstand radiation, and it usually used for devices that  used in space component.
  • DoseLevel: A measure of energy deposited per unit. The unit of dose can be rad.
  • TaxonomyPath: SE Taxonomy tree.
  • ECCN: Stands for Export Control Classification Number. An ECCN is an alpha-numeric classification used in the Commerce Control List to identify items for export control purposes.
  • UNSPSC: Stands for United Nations Standard Products and Services Code. UNSPSC is a coding system for the classification of both products and services for use throughout the global marketplace.
  • OtherSources: The count of manufacturers offering a cross reference part.
  • LastCheckDate: The value of this feature would be blank while delivering the part for the first time or when a part is converted from not match to direct match but it would be filled when the part is sent in the updates deliveries after getting it delivered before once at least.
  • PartMarking: The abbreviated device identification code printed on the top of the ICS packaging.
  • IntroductionDate: The date in which the part introduced to the market or the first realse of the part.
  • MilitarySpecifications: The name of document that describes the essential technical requirements for purchased materiel that is military unique or substantially modified commercial items.
  • ESDClass: ESD sensitivity is often expressed as a range of ESD voltage that a device can safely be subjected to for each of the ESD models.
  • ESDSourceofInformation: The source contains the ESD Class information.
  • AuthorizedDistributors: The Distributors that have this part at their inventories.
  • FamilyName:Root Part Number of the Product Name.
  • GenericNameThe Original PN without Package, Packing, lead-free Suffix and Vendor prefix.
  • AECNumberAEC qualification Number.
  • AECQualifiedAEC qualified is the confirmation that the PN is Passed AEC tests.
  • AutomotiveRefers to that part undergo rigorous testing to make sure they can withstand the harshest vehicular environment so it can used in Automotive applications or not.
  • SupplierCageCode: A five (5) position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the Federal Government.
  • EURoHS: Environmental status for the part number like Yes, No, Unknown and Yes with Exemption.
  • RoHSVersionThe version that supplier is compliant with (2002/95/EC, 2011/65/EU, 2015/863).
  • ScheduleB: An international standardized numerical method of classifying traded products.  Every exported item is assigned a unique 10-digit Schedule B code.
  • HTSUSA: It’s stands for Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) — (USA). An organized listing of goods and their duty rates and identifying the rates of duty to be charged on them.
  • PPAPStands for Production part approval process  report is intended as an industry guideline that details the specific reports and documentation necessary to gain part approval in the automotive industry.
  • CountriesOfOriginA list of countries at which the last significant manufacturing process is carried out.
  • USChinaTariffImpact: US China Tariff Impact identifies if the product is affected by the US china tariff or not depending on flags from SiliconExpert country of origin and HTSUS features.


  • EnergyEfficiency: It shows if the product is designed with enabling energy efficiency to use less energy and provide the same function.
  • EuropeanSpaceComponentsCoordination: It stands for “European Space Components Coordination” and it is the confirmation from ESCC organization that the PN can be used in space application.
  • CECCQualification: CECCQualification
  • ESDQualification: ESDQualification
  • AgencyApprovals: It refers to the test Organization who give the approval to the product VDE, UL, CSA…
  • Reliability: Reliability
  • Reliability-> <span class="K2keyqv3">SourceOfInformation</span>: It refers to the document that contains the reliability data section


  • MSL: A rating indicating a component’s susceptibility to damage due to absorbed moisture when subjected to reflow soldering.
  • LeadFinishPlating: The substances used in the Lead Finish (Matte Tin, Tin/Lead, etc.).
  • TerminalBaseMaterial: Refer to material of the product leads.
  • MaximumReflowTemperature: The maximum temperatures that the device can be reflow soldered. Reflow soldering is a process where a solder paste is used to stick the components to their attachment pads.
  • ReflowSolderTime: The period of time needed to complete reflow soldering. Reflow soldering is a process where a solder paste is used to stick the components to their attachment pads.
  • NumberOfReflowCycle: The Maximum number of cycles can be used for soldering Process.
  • Standard: check if the J-STD-020 is applied or not. which in the following link:


  • MaximumWaveTemperature: The maximum temperature that the device can be wave soldered at. Wave soldering is a large scale soldering process by which electronic components are soldered to a printed circuit board to form an electronic assembly by using waves of molten solder.
  • WaveSolderTime: The period of time needed to complete wave soldering. Wave soldering is a large-scale soldering process by which electronic components are soldered to a printed circuit board (PCB) to form an electronic assembly by using waves of molten solder.
  • UnderPlatingMaterial: Material between base layer and plating layer to increase the conductivity.
  • ReflowTempSource: Link contains information of Reflow Temp.
  • WaveTempSourceLink contains information of Wave Temp.
  • UnderPlatingPorosityFreeRefer to the layer plated below the (Sn) layer to provide a barrier between the (Sn) and (Cu), The thickness and porosity of the barrier plating (nickel) are important to ensure an ,effective barrier layer for the copper that will not crack during lead forming


  • SupplierPackage: Standard name for package which set by supplier.
  • PinCount: Number of leads attached to Package body.
  • PCB: Number of leads or contact points related to each component which soldered on Board.
  • Tab: A piece of metal that is added to the package to work as a heat sink.
  • PackageDiameter: Component Diameter, for cylindrical package.
  • Mounting: Specify how device will be mounting or included on Board like “Through Hole or Surface Mounting”.
  • PackageLength: Length of package side which parallel to Pins.
  • PackageWidth: Length of package side which vertical to Pins.
  • PackageHeight: Package body thickness.
  • PackageDescription: Describes the supplier package in details without abbreviation like “Die Size Ball Grid Array” for supplier package “DSBGA”.
  • PackageMaterial: The material of Package body.
  • StandardPackageNameIt is the generic package for several types  this  package, such that the Standard Package Name for SOIC N(Narrow), SOIC W (wide), SOIC EP(Exposed Pad) is SOIC.
  • SeatedPlaneHeight:  The distance between PCB and most high point in package body.
  • PinPitch: The basic dimension of the spacing of one component lead termination or castellation to its adjacent counterpart(s). In other words, Pitch describe the distance between two adjacent columns in the X axis or two adjacent rows in the Y axis.
  • JedecStandard code, is an independent semiconductor engineering trade organization and standardization body.
  • PackageOutlineThe source of package information.
  • LeadShapeThe lead shape(Ball, J-Lead, Gull-Lead, Through Hole.
  • PackageCasePackage/case name which is assigned from supplier side.
  • BasicPackageTypeThe part number which has IC  type is “Lead Frame SMT,  Non Lead Frame SMT,  Ball Grid Array, Through Hole, Others”.
  • PackageWeightThe weight of the package or the component.
  • MinimumSeatedPlaneHeight: The distance between PCB and most high point in package body.


  • RoHSStatus: ROHS Status determines the exact ROHS Status of the part “Yes, No, RoHS 5/6, Unknown”.
  • ChinaRoHS: Administrative measure on the control of pollution caused by Electronic Information Products (EIPs) came into effect for first step in March 1, 2007. It is also called ACPEIP or China RoHS.
  1. ChinaRoHSStatus: ChinaRoHSStatus.
  2. CadmiumConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value of cadmium (MCVs) is 0.01% by weight.
  3. CadmiumFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  4. ChromiumConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) of Chromium is 0.1% by weight.
  5. ChromiumFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  6. LeadConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) of Lead is 0.1% by weight.
  7. LeadFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  8. MercuryConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) of Mercury is 0.1% by weight.
  9. MercuryFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  10. PBBConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) of Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) is 0.1% by weight.
  11. PBBFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  12. PBDEConcentration: Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers  is 0.1% by weight.
  13. PBDEFlag: Flag with “X” and “O”. “X” if the substance exceeds the threshold level and “O” if the substance does not exceed the threshold level.
  14. EPUP: The period of transferring the product to meet ROHS allowable threshold without any exemption.
  15. ItemSubitemName: ItemSubitemName.
  16. SourceType: SourceType.
  17. CachedSource: CachedSource.
  18. LiveSupplierSource: LiveSupplierSource.
  • Source: The URL of the ROHS document.
  • SourceType: The type of ROHS supporting document.
  • Exemption: Indicates whether the part claims RoHS exemption or not.
  • ExemptionType: The exemption number according to RoHs directive.
  • RohsIdentifier: ROHS Identifier indicates whether the part number contains a suffix or a specific character in its order that defines the RoHS status.
  • LeadFree: Indicates if the component contains the Lead substance and exceed the threshold limit or not.
  • RareEarthElementInformation: Rare earth elements are a group of seventeen chemical elements that occur together in the periodic table.  The group consists of yttrium and the 15 lanthanide elements (lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium). Scandium is found in most rare earth element deposits and is sometimes classified as a rare earth element.
  • ConflictMineralStatus: Determine whether minerals contained in supplier articles/products are (1- DRC Conflict Free, 2- Not DRC Conflict Free, 3- DRC Conflict Undeterminable).
  • ConflictMineralStatement: Supplier document that carries the supplier roadmap and available data of Conflict Mineral information.
  • EICCMembershipIs referring to if supplier is a member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC).
  • EICCTemplateIs created by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition® (EICC®) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) as a common means for the collection of sourcing information related to “Conflict Minerals”. Companies in the electronics and all other industries.
  • EICCTemplateVersionis CMRT version (2.02, 3.02, 4.10, 4.20…..).
  • HalgonFreeThe halogens are five non-metallic elements found in Group 7 of the periodic table. The term “halogen” means “salt-former” and compounds containing halogens are called “salts”. The Halogens are: Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine.
  • ChinaRoHSAdministrative Measure on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (EIPs) came into effect for first step in March 1, 2007. It is also called ACPEIP or China RoHS.
  • ExemptionDetails: The details of RoHS Exemption splitted into multiple rows.
  1. ExemptionType: Is the exemption number according to RoHs directive.
  2. SubstanceName: SubstanceName.
  3. ExemptionDefinition: ExemptionDefinition.
  4. ExpirationDate: It describes the date after the exemption will  not longer valid.
  5. Annex: Annex.
  • ExemptionExpirationDate: The date at which the exemption is expired and the part status should transfer into not compliant.
  • ExemptionCodes: ExemptionCodes
  • RoHSVersionThe version that supplier is compliant with (2002/95/EC, 2011/65/EU, 2015/863).


  • PartStatus: The Lifecycle Status of the part.
  • LTBDate: The last time buy date of the part number.
  • Source: The URL of the Lifecycle document.
  • EstimatedYearsToEOL: Calculated Based on Predicted Average Procurement Life and Part’s Lifecycle status.
  • EstimatedEOLDate: (Obsolescence Date = Prediction Year (The Current Year) + Estimated Years to End of Life).
  • PartLifecycleStage: Lifecycle stage of the part, assigned to the part in reference to the market status of the part and EIA-724 Lifecycle Curve.
  • MinimumEstimatedYearsToEOL: Minimum forecasted years of Estimated Years to EOL.
  • MaximumEstimatedYearsToEOL: Maximum forecasted years of Estimated Years to EOL.
  • LifeCycleRiskGrade: Calculated in reference to Part status and Estimated Years to EOL using the Risk analysis algorithm, this  grade represents about 50 % from total Risk.
  • OverallRisk: Calculated based on the risk grades that resulted from some market and technology factors in reference to SiliconExpert’s component database and data sources.
  • PartCounterfeitReports: Confirmed counterfeit Reports of the part.
  • PartLifecycleCode: Describes a unique number identifying the lifecycle stage for the part as follow (1 Introduction, 2 Growth, 3 Mature, 4 Decline, 5 Phase Out and 6 Obsolete).


  • FeatureName: The name of parametric feature.
  • FeatureValue: The value of parametric feature.
  • FeatureUnit: Describes the measurement unit of the feature ex: °C for Temperature.


  • PackagingSuffix: The suffix adding to the part number to indicate the packaging.
  • Packaging: The different methodologies are used to enclose or protect the product for shipment to end users like Tape and Reel, Box, Tube….
  • QuantityOfPackaging: The maximum quantity per inner packaging.
  • ReelDiameter: The largest distance that can be formed between two opposite parallel lines tangent to Reel boundary.
  • ReelWidth: The inner horizontal measurement taken at right angles to the reel length.
  • TapePitch: The distance between successive Component centers.
  • TapeWidth: The horizontal measurement taken at right angles to the carrier tape length.
  • FeedHolePitch: The distance between successive Holes.
  • HoleCenterToComponentCenter: The distance between Hole center to component Center .
  • LeadClinchHeight: The Component Hight to seating plane.
  • ComponentOrientation: The Component orientation inside the pocket of carrier tapes.
  • PackagingDocument: The document that have all mechanical data about packaging.
  • TapeMaterial: Tape Material defined as the material of the tape like Paper, Blister, Plastic, Flamed Paper, …etc.
  • TapeType: Tape Type describe the type of Tape like Embossed, Punched, Cardboard.


  • CounterfeitOverallRisk: Counterfeit overall risk.
  • PartNumCounterfeitReportsCount: Count of part number reports.
  • PartNumCounterfeitReports: part number Reports.
  1. MPN: Manufacturer Part Number –  Scrubbed Part Number From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  2. Supplier: Manufacturer Name – Standard Manufacturer Name From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  3. NotificationDate: Notifiction Date Of Counterfeit Report.
  4. CounterfitMethods: How The Part Number Was Counterfeited (Reworked, Resurfaced or Remarked).
  5. Description: Provided Details About Counterfeit State.
  6. Source: Supporting Document Of Counterfeit Report.
  • ManCounterfeitReportsCount: Count of manufacturer reports.
  • ManCounterfeitReports: Manufacturer reports.
  1. MPN: Manufacturer Part Number –  Scrubbed Part Number From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  2. Supplier: Manufacturer Name – Standard Manufacturer Name From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  3. NotificationDate: Notifiction Date Of Counterfeit Report.
  4. CounterfitMethods: How The Part Number Was Counterfeited (Reworked, Resurfaced or Remarked).
  5. Description: Provided Details About Counterfeit State.
  6. Source: Supporting Document Of Counterfeit Report.
  • PlCounterfeitReportsCount: Count of Product line reports.
  • PlCounterfeitReports: Product line reports.
  1. MPN: Manufacturer Part Number –  Scrubbed Part Number From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  2. Supplier: Manufacturer Name – Standard Manufacturer Name From SiliconExpert’s Database.
  3. NotificationDate: Notifiction Date Of Counterfeit Report.
  4. CounterfitMethods: How The Part Number Was Counterfeited (Reworked, Resurfaced or Remarked).
  5. Description: Provided Details About Counterfeit State.
  6. Source: Supporting Document Of Counterfeit Report.
  • CurrentLifecycleStatus: Current Lifecycle status.
  • TimeSinceMarketIntroduction: Time since market introduction.
  • AuthorizedDistributorswithStockCount: Count of authorized distributors with stock reports.
  • AuthorizedDistributorswithStockReports: Authorized distributors with stock reports.
  1. Date: Month/Year Of Available Monthly Distributors Stock.
  2. AvgQuantity:Available Monthly Distributor Stock.
  3. Inventory: Authorized Distributors With Stock.
  • HistoricalShortagesInventoryReported: Flag of historical shortages inventory reported.
  • IsPopularPart: Flag popular part.


  • CachedSource: The document that declares REACH information.
  • ContainsSVHC: Determines if the product contains any substance found in the REACH list.
  • SVHCExceedThresholdLimit: Determines if SVHC substance exceeds the threshold limit.
  • SVHCListVersion: This feature declares the REACH Version depending on ECHA.
  • SubstanceIdentification: Substance Name; The smallest content in the part and the Homogenous Material contains from union of more of substances, Examples of substances (Gold , Tin , Iron , Lead ,……).
  • SubstanceLocation: An area among the constituent components of parts that contains surveyed chemical substances.
  • SubstanceConcentration: A unique numerical identifiers assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service to every chemical substance.
  • SourceType: The type of REACH supporting document.
  • EchaNotification:Describes the status of the supplier regarding the compliance requirements by ECHA if the content of SVHC substance exceeding the limit.
  • NotificationComment: Describes the reason behind ECHA Notification status.
  • SupportingDocument: The document supports the ECHA notification information.
  • SunsetDate: The date from which the placing on the market and the use of a substance is prohibited, unless an authorization is granted or the use is exempt from authorization..
  • ApplicationDate: The date by which applications must be received if the applicant wishes to continue the placing on the market or use of the substance after the sunset date..
  • AuthorizationEntryNumber: Entry number in Annex XVII to REACH (Authorization list).
  • ExemptedCategories: A generic exemptions from the authorization requirement..
  • SupportingDocument: The document supports the ECHA notification information.
  • SVHCDateOfInclusion: Date which the SVHC substance published on ECHA SVHC candidate list.


  • ReplacementComId: Replacement SE component ID for matched part number.
  • ReplacementPartNumber: Replacement part number for matched part number.
  • ReplacementType: SE code for the criteria of matching part number with the cross part number.


  • CrossComId: Cross reference SE component ID for matched part number.
  • CrossPartNumber: Cross reference part number for matched part number.
  • CrossManufacturer: Supplier of cross reference part number.
  • CrossType: SE code for the criteria of matching part number with the cross part number (for details Cross Type Definition).
  • Comment: SE comment on part number and cross reference part number.


  • RohsRisk: Risk based on ROHS availability (Low, Medium).
  • MultiSourcingRisk: Risk based on Crosses availability (Low, Medium, High).
  • InventoryRisk: Risk based on the availability of the part in the authorized distributors inventories.
  • LifecycleRisk: Estimated Lifecycle Risk (Low, Medium, High).
  • PredictedObsolescenceYear:
  • LifecycleStage: Current part lifecycle stage. One of the following: Preliminary, Growth, Mature, Decline, Phase Out, Obsolete or Discontinued.
  • YearsEOL: Estimated Number of years till Obsolescence.
  • NumberOfDistributors: Count of authorized distributors that have the part in their inventories.
  • NumberOfOtherSources: Count of available crosses for that Part.
  • CrossesPartCategory: Indicates whether or not this product category typically contains crosses. Please note that some parts may not carry crosses even though the product category may be crossable.
  • SEGrade: Using historical data & detailed analysis of past counterfeit events, SiliconExpert has found patterns for parts most likely to be targeted by counterfeiters.
  • LastUpdateDate: The last time SE checked and import the lifecycle status for the part.
  • YeolComment: YeolComment


  • MinimumPrice: Minimum Price according to SiliconExpert Resources.
  • AveragePrice: Average Price according to SiliconExpert Resources.
  • MinLeadtime: Minimum Lead Time according to SiliconExpert Resources.
  • Maxleadtime: Maximum Lead Time according to SiliconExpert Resources.
  • LastUpdatedate: The last updated date of component/EEE price.


  • TypeOfChange: This feature describes the GIDEP document and summary type.
  • GIDEPDescription: The GIDEP Document Abstract which describe the content of GIDEP document.
  • NotificationDate: The GIDEP Document Notification Date.
  • DocumentNumber: The GIDEP Document number which assigned by GIDEP to the Document.


  • LastPCNNumber: The PCN Number of the Latest PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastPCNDate: The Notification Date of the Latest PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastPCNTypeOfChange: The Type of Change of the part upon the Latest PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastPCNSource: The Latest PCN document link.
  • LastTimeBuyDate: The Last time Buy of the part upon the Latest EOL Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastShipDate: The Last Shipment Date of the part upon the Latest EOL Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastEOLNumber: The PCN Number of the Latest EOL Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastEOLDate: The Notification Date of the Latest EOL Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastEOLSource: The Latest EOL document link.


  • PCNNumber: The PCN Number of the PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • TypeOfChange: The Type of Change of the part upon the PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • DescriptionOfChange: Statement describes the change that happened for the part upon the PCN document.
  • PcnSource: The PCN document link.
  • NotificationDate: The Type of Change of the part upon the PCN Document that registered to this Part.
  • EffectiveDate: Date which the change mentioned in the PCN will be effective.
  • LastTimeBuyDate: The Last time Buy of the part upon the Document that registered to this Part.
  • LastShipDate: The Last Shipment Date of the part upon the Document that registered to this Part.


  • TotalMassInGram: The total part mass in Gram.
  • TotalMassSummationInGram: The summation of all content substances mass found in the part.
  • LocationName: An area among the constituent components of parts that contains surveyed chemical substances.
  • HomogenousMaterial: A material that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different materials. The term “homogeneous” means “ of uniform composition throughout.” Examples of “homogeneous materials” are individual types of plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, board, resins and coatings.
  • HomogenousMaterialMass: Homogenous Material Mass describes a material that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different materials. The term “homogeneous” means “of uniform composition throughout.” Examples of “homogeneous materials” are individual types of plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, board, resins and coatings.
  • SubstanceIdentification: Display for the Substance name.
  • SubstanceMass: The mass of every substance found in the PN.
  • NormalizedSubstanceThe familiar name for supplier substance name according to its exsistence within famous chemical regulations and standards likes IEC 62474, GADSL, REACH, CLP, ….).
  • SubstanceGroupA group of substances whose physicochemical, toxicological and/or ecotoxicological properties are likely to be similar or follow a regular pattern as a result of structural similarity.
  • PPM: The part per million (the percentage of every substance mass in its location of the part per million) and it is . Equal ((substance mass/location mass)*1000000).
  • CAS Number: A unique numerical identifiers assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service to every chemical substance.
  • MDSURL: The supported document from the supplier which describe the source of data (Material declaration link).
  • ItemSubItem: An area among the constituent components of parts that contains surveyed chemical substances.


  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.Results.ResultDto.NewPartData.ComId">ComId</span>: The requested COM ID.
  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.Results.ResultDto.NewPartData.NewComID">NewComID</span>: The latest COM ID after part acquisition.
  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.Results.ResultDto.NewPartData.NewManID">NewManID</span>: The latest manufacturer ID after part acquisition.
  • <span class="prop" title="<root>.Results.ResultDto.NewPartData.NewManID">NewManName</span>: The latest manufacturer name after part acquisition.


  • Distributor:  It’s the distributor name that carry the component.
  • Quantity:  It’s the stock quantity that available on the distributor store.
  • BuyNowLink:  Hyperlink to the distributor website that contains the part detail information.


  • Segments->Segments: Segments->Segments
  • Segments->FeatureName: Segments->FeatureName

averageInventory:  averageInventory


  • Distributor: Distributor
  • Quantity: Quantity
  • BuyNowLink: BuyNowLink


  • Datasheet: Datasheet.
  1. date: date.
  2. url: url.
  • Lifecycle: Lifecycle.
  1. Date: Date.
  2. Lifecycle: Lifecycle.
  3. ManufacturerName: ManufacturerName.
  4. PartNumber: PartNumber.
  5. ReasonOfChange: Reason Of Lifecycle Status.
  6. SourceName: Supporting Document Type Of Lifecycle Status.
  7. SourceURL: Supporting Document URL.


  • ProductImageSmall: ProductImageSmall
  • ProductImageLarge: ProductImageLarge



  • MilitaryTaxonomy: Is referring to the  tiltle for Performance specification(General Specification).
  • MilitaryPartNumbers: Describe the government part designation which is the part designation as assigned in the governing specification document.
    The format and any coded meanings to the part designation are identified and explained in the specification.
  • NSN: National stock number 13-digit numeric coding system used to define and identify the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military supply equipment. Also known in the USA as the National Stock Number.
  • VendorPartNumbers: A Vendor part designation is the vendor’s internally assigned designation or part number for a specific item, whether manufactured, assembled, or repackaged and added to the QPL for reference only.
  • MilitarySpecifications: The name of document that describes the essential technical requirements for purchased materiel that is military unique or substantially modified commercial items.
  • FSC: Federal Stock Class (FSC) which indicates to first 4 digits from NSN and divided into the NATO Supply Group (digits 1 & 2) and NATO Supply Class (digits 3 & 4).



  • PinOutDataSource: Is the Pin Out Data  source information.
  • DsPinSymbol: List the pin symbol as found in data sheet.
  • PinNumber: List the pin number as found in data sheet.
  • ImageUrl: Image of Circuit.
  • ManName: Supplier Name.
  • PdfUrl: Link that contains the information.
  • RdShortDescription: Link that contains the information.



  • PackagePin: List the Pin number as found in the part’s datasheet.
  • SymbolPin: List the Pin symbol as found in the part’s datasheet.
  • MultiFunction: List Multi-function related to the pin if it’s found.
  • SignalType: List the Pin type like (Input, Output, Input/Output, Power, NC,…).
  • PinCharacteristics: List the Pin characteristics (Threshold, Hysteresis, Schmitt Trigger) for Input pin, (Three State, High Impedance, Open Emitter, Open Drain, Open Collector) for Output Pin.



  • PriceBreaK: The order Quantity that has a reduction in price..
  • AveragePrice: The average price value which has been calculated based on the distributors’ feeds that SE receive.
  • MinPrice: The minimum price value which has been calculated based on the distributors’ feeds that SE receive..


  • COM_ID: SE component ID.
  • CPN: The Customer Part Number (the part number named by user).
  • MPN: The Manufacturer Part Number (the original part number named by its manufacturer).
  • Supplier: The supplier (named by user).
  • ACL_Features: A map of user’s ACL features names and features values.



  • ECADURL: SiliconExpert has teamed with Ultra Librarian to provide engineers access pre-built schematic symbols, PCB footprints, and 3D models directly within the SiliconExpert platform. Access and download the appropriate ECAD models, 3D models on components.
Smart PCNs

Smart PCN is a two-step search operation to get PCN data response according to the global specification.

XML response format:

<a href="http://www.smartpcn.org/images/Files/VDMA24903Schema/PCNbody.xml">http://www.smartpcn.org/images/Files/VDMA24903Schema/PCNbody.xml</a>
  • Use showPCN operation to get affected PCNs during a certain duration and the number of parts under each PCN.
  • Use smartPCN operation to get PCN data as a downloadable file.
Smart PCN

Returns a mulit file named with PCNs IDs filled with PCNs data in a smart format.
Either (Mulit Mode) or (Single Mode).
URL format: ProductAPI/search/smartpcn?


Mandatory parameters

To search for Smart PCN Mulit Mode, you must pass fromDate and toDate.
Otherwise, to search Smart PCN Single Mode, you must pass pcnID.

  • fromDate: Filter from date.
  • toDate: Filter to date.
  • pcnID: pcnID

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • Download file

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/smartpcn?fromDate=10/13/2015&toDate=10/21/2018">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/smartpcn?fromDate=10/13/2015&toDate=10/21/2018</a>

SmartPCN Mulit Mode


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/smartpcn?pcnID=9050542859">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/smartpcn?pcnID=9050542859</a>

SmartPCN Single Mode

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Show PCNs

Returns a list of PCNs of API user.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/showPCNS?


Mandatory parameters

  • fromDate: Filter from date.
  • toDate: Filter to date.

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • PCN_ID
  • Number Of Parts
  • Effective Date
  • Notification Date

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/showPCNS?romDate=10/13/2015&toDate=10/21/2018pageSize=10&pageNumber=1">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/showPCNS
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Supplier Profile Search

Retrieves a supplier profile data for a specific manufacturer Id , or a manufacturer Name.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/supplierProfile?


Mandatory parameters (It is mandatory to have at least one of the two fields below):

  • manufacturerId: represent an id for a manufacturer.
  • manufacturerName: represent a name for a manufacturer.

Note: the user must provide either a manufacturerId or a manufacturerName and not both. Suppose the user has provided both, the service will work on manufacturerId and skip the manufacturerName.

Optional parameters

  • fmt: format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


Sample request

  • Gets Supplier Profile for manufacturerId (1629).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/supplierProfile?fmt=xml&manufacturerId=1629">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/supplierProfile?fmt=xml&manufacturerId=1629</a>
  • Gets Supplier Profile for manufacturerName (3M).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/supplierProfile?fmt=xml&manufacturerName=3M">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/supplierProfile?fmt=xml&manufacturerName=3M</a>


  • ManufacturerName.
  • ManufacturerID.
  • ManufacturerURL.
  • PhoneNumber.
  • Address.
  • DUNSNumber.
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User Status

Retrieves user status data for the account you authenticated with

URL format: ProductAPI/search/userStatus?


Optional parameters

  • fmt: format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.

Sample request

  • Gets User Status information.
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/userStatus"> https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/userStatus</a>


    • CreationDate.
    • ExpirationDate.
    • PartDetailLimit.
    • PartDetailCount.
    • PartDetailRemaining.
    • AclPartsCount


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BOM Operations

BOM Operations section covers how to Get BOMs, get parts In BOMs, BOM validation and Similar Parts.

Get BOMs

Returns a list of the user added BOMs with the option to filter by project name. List of nested subproject is returned as a result.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs?


Mandatory parameters

  • None.

Optional parameters

  • projectName: Filters the result with the given project name, if no project name is provided will return all BOMs under all projects.
  • bomCreationDateFrom: The start date of the BOM creation. This parameter will match all BOMs created on this date or after it.
  • bomCreationDateTo: The end date of the BOM creation. This parameter will match all BOMs created on this date or before it.
  • bomModificationDateFrom: The start date of the BOM modification. This parameter will match all BOMs modified on this date or after it.
  • bomModificationDateTo: The end date of the BOM modification. This parameter will match all BOMs modified on this date or before it.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • <span class="Kotbpmh2">Projects</span>: Wrapper of user’s projects.
  • Project: List of user’s projects.
  • ProjectName: Name of the project.
  • SubProjects: List of children projects under a parent project.
  • BOMs: List of BOMs.
  • BOMName: Name of the BOM.
  • PartsCount: Count of parts in this BOM.
  • CreationDate: BOM creation date.
  • ModificationDate: BOM modification date.

Sample requests

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs?projectName=my-project">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs?projectName=my-project</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs?projectName=my-project&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetBOMs?projectName=my-project&fmt=xml</a>
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Get Parts In BOM

Returns a list of the parts in the given BOM name and project name.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/GetPartsInBOM?


Mandatory parameters

  • bomName: Name of the BOM which will return its parts as result.
  • projectName: Name of the project which contains the requested BOM (the requested BOM name).

Optional parameters

  • pageSize: Max number of parts to display per BOM. Default 50 max 250.
  • pageNumber: Number of requested page, default is 1.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • <span class="Kotbpmh2">Request</span>: Wrapper of user’s request details.
  • RequestedBOMName: Requested BOM name.
  • RequestedProject: Requested project name.
  • PageNO: Requested page number.
  • pageSize: Requested page size.
  • BOM: Wrapper of BOM data.
  • Parts: Wrapper of parts in the requested BOM.
  • Part: List of parts in the requested BOM.
  • ComId: COM ID of this part.
  • MPN: Man part number of this part.
  • Manufacturer: Manufacturer of this part.
  • CPN: Customer part number of this part.
  • MatchStatus: Match status.
  • SEPartNumber: SE part number.
  • SEManufacturer: SE manufacturer.
  • Description: Description of this part.
  • TaxonomyPath: Taxonomy path.
  • CustomFeatures: Custom features which were defined when a BOM was uploaded

Sample request


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetPartsInBOM?projectName=my-project&bomName=my-bom&pageNumber=1">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetPartsInBOM?projectName=my-project&bomName=my-bom&pageNumber=1</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetPartsInBOM?projectName=my-project&bomName=my-bom&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/GetPartsInBOM?projectName=my-project&bomName=my-bom&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>
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BOM Validation

This operation is used to scrub uploaded parts which customer send as request parameters.

URL format: ProductAPI/bom/getBOMValidation?


Mandatory parameters

bomData: this is a JSON array of BOM data.  Each BOM data object contains the below fields:

  • UploadedPartNumber: Part number.
  • UploadedManufacturer: Manufacturer.

Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • ComID: SE COM_ID.
  • UploadedPartNumber: Uploaded part.
  • SEPartNumber: The validated part number
  • SEManufacturer: The validated manufacturer.
  • UploadedManufacturer: Uploaded Manufacturer.
  • ManufacturerId: Manufacturer ID.
  • MatchCode: Match Code used to identify Similar parts (Similar Parts step).
  • MatchStatus: Match Status.
  • SimilarCount: Similar Count.
  • Description: Validated part description (In case of exact match status).
  • LifeCycle: Validated part lifecycle (In case of exact match status).
  • ROHS: Validated part RoHs (In case of exact match status).
  • RoHSVersion: Validated part RoHS version (In case of exact match status).
  • PartMatchStatus: A summary of match statistics counts (Value/Count).

Sample request

Example of a bav9 which will match similar parts not exact part.

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getBOMValidation?bomData=[{%22UploadedPartNumber%22:%22bav9%22,%22UploadedManufacturer%22:%22rohm%22}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getBOMValidation?bomData=[{"UploadedPartNumber":"bav9","UploadedManufacturer":"rohm"}]</a>

Example of bav99/rohm which will match an exact part.

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getBOMValidation?bomData=[{%22UploadedPartNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22UploadedManufacturer%22:%22rohm%22}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getBOMValidation?bomData=[{"UploadedPartNumber":"bav99","UploadedManufacturer":"rohm"}]</a>
Similar Parts

This operation is used to get the similar parts (to get the similar parts returned at BOM validation step with Match status = “Similar Matches available.”)

URL format: ProductAPI/bom/getSimilarParts?


Mandatory parameters

  • sePartNumber: Part number.
  • matchCode: The Match Status returned at the BOM validation step.

Optional parameters

  • manufacturerId: Manufacturer ID.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • ComID: SE COM_ID.
  • SEPartNumber: Part number.
  • SEManufacturer: Manufacturer.
  • ManufacturerId: Manufacturer ID.
  • Description: Part description.
  • LifeCycle: Part Lifecycle.
  • ROHS: Part RoHS status.
  • RoHSVersion: Part RoHS version.
  • MatchConfidence: Similarity rating measurement between original part and the found part.

Sample requests

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getSimilarParts?sePartNumber=bav9&manufacturerId=1534&matchCode=9">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/bom/getSimilarParts?sePartNumber=bav9&manufacturerId=1534&matchCode=9</a>
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Parametric Operations
Get All Taxonomy

Gets the SE taxonomy tree.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/parametric/getAllTaxonomy.


Mandatory parameters


Optional parameters

  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • PlType: Classification contains a set of main categories.
  • MainCategory: Classification contains a set of sub-categories.
  • SubCategory: Classification contains a set of product lines.
  • CategoryName.
  • SearchableAsBase: Boolean indicator (true/false) indicates whether user can search by category name directly.
  • PlName: Product line name.
  • packageFeaturesType: Flag determining how the Package data should be manipulated for each product line. Flag is either an “S” (static) or a “D” (dynamic).

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getAllTaxonomy">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getAllTaxonomy</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getAllTaxonomy?fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getAllTaxonomy?fmt=xml</a>
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Get Pl Features

Gets all features and its distinct values for specific product line.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?


Mandatory parameters

one of the following two parameters must be present in the request parameters.

  • plName: Product line.
  • plId: Product line unique identifier.

Optional parameters

  • selectedFilters: Represents features names and values pairs that can be used to filter the result.
  • filters: Json string, user should pass the feature id at attribute “fetid”
  • keyword: Filters data by the part number, part description or manufacturer name.
  • level: Determines the taxonomy tree level (Main category, Sub category or Product line).
    Level 3 represents a product line level and it is the default.
    Level 2 represents a sub category.
    Level 1 represents a main category.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • PlName: Product line or category name.
  • FeatureName
  • FeatureUnit
  • FeatureType: Only has value N for numeric features empty otherwise.
  • FeatureValues

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line(Peripheral Drivers) with both product line name and product line ID


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22,%228%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7","8"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22,%228%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7","8"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7, 8


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D,%7B%22RoHSStatus%22:%5b%22No%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]},{"RoHSStatus":["No"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D,%7B%22RoHSStatus%22:%5b%22No%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=3057&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]},{"RoHSStatus":["No"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7 and ROHS =No


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Rectifiers&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Rectifiers&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=1813&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=1813&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Rectifiers) filtered by keyword = Diode.


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=%20Capacitors%20&level=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName= Capacitors &level=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=103730&level=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=103730&level=1&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for main category (Capacitors)


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Capacitors@Fixed%20Capacitorslevel=2&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Capacitors@Fixed Capacitors&level=2&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=104218&level=2&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plId=104218&level=2&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for sub category (Fixed Capacitors) under main category (Capacitor).

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=[{%22Maximum%20Operating%20Temperature%22:[%22gtoreq%20100%22]}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Maximum Operating Temperature":["gtoreq 100"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by Maximum Operating Temperature greater than or equal 100

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=[{%22Maximum%20Operating%20Temperature%22:[%22ltoreq%20100%22]}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Maximum Operating Temperature":["ltoreq 100"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by Maximum Operating Temperature less than or equal 100


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&filters=[{%22fetId%22:%2257499%22,%20%22values%22:[{%22value%22:%227%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getPlFeatures?plName=Peripheral Drivers&filters=[{"fetId":"57499", "values":[{"value":"7"}]}]</a>

Get All features for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by feature id 57499

There is no snippet for this language. Please select another.
Get Search Result

Gets all data for specific product line.

    URL format: ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?


Mandatory parameters

one of the following two parameters must be present in the request parameters

  • plName: Product line.
  • plId: Product line unique identifier.

Optional parameters

  • selectedFilters: Feature name and value pairs that can be used to filter the result.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page.
  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default, page size=50
  • level: Determines the taxonomy tree level (Main category, Sub category or Product line).
    Level 3 represents a product line level and it is the default.
    Level 2 represents a sub category.
    Level 1 represents a main category.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&ageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line(Peripheral Drivers) using both product line name and product line ID


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&pageNumber=1&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7.


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22,%228%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7","8"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22,%228%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7","8"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7, 8.


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D,%7B%22RoHSStatus%22:%5b%22No%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]},{"RoHSStatus":["No"]}]&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&selectedFilters=%5b%7B%22Pin%20Count%22:%5b%227%22%5d%7D,%7B%22RoHSStatus%22:%5b%22No%22%5d%7D%5d&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=3057&selectedFilters=[{"Pin Count":["7"]},{"RoHSStatus":["No"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by pin count =7 and ROHS =Yes


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Rectifiers&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Rectifiers&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=1813&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=1813&keyword=Diode&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Rectifiers) filtered by keyword = Diode.


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=%20Capacitors%20&level=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName= Capacitors &level=1&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=103730&level=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=103730&level=1&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for main category (Capacitors).


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Capacitor@Fixed%20Capacitors&level=2&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Capacitor@Fixed Capacitors&level=2&fmt=xml</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=104218&level=2&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plId=104218&level=2&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for sub category (Fixed Capacitors) under main category (Capacitor).


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=[{%22Maximum%20Operating%20Temperature%22:[%22gtoreq%20100%22]}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Maximum Operating Temperature":["gtoreq 100"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by Maximum Operating Temperature greater than or equal 100

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&selectedFilters=[{%22Maximum%20Operating%20Temperature%22:[%22ltoreq%20100%22]}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&selectedFilters=[{"Maximum Operating Temperature":["ltoreq 100"]}]&fmt=xml</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered by Maximum Operating Temperature less than or equal 100


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral%20Drivers&filters=[{%22fetId%22:%2257499%22,%20%22values%22:[{%22value%22:%227%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getSearchResult?plName=Peripheral Drivers&filters=[{"fetId":"57499", "values":[{"value":"7"}]}]</a>

Get All parts for product line (Peripheral Drivers) filtered feature ID “57499”.


  • FeatureName
  • FeatureUnit
  • FeatureValue
There is no snippet for this language. Please select another.
Enhanced Parametric Operations

Below is the mapping of Multipliers used at Enhanced Parametric search.

Multiplier Unit Conversion Method
A|Arms|ADC A|Arms|ADC Divide the value by 1 x 10^3/td>
u A|Arms|ADC Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n A|Arms|ADC Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
p A|Arms|ADC Divide the value by 1 x 10^12
k A|Arms|ADC Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M A|Arms|ADC Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
m V|VDC|VAC|Vp-p|Vrms Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u V|VDC|VAC|Vp-p|Vrms Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n V|VDC|VAC|Vp-p|Vrms Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
k V|VDC|VAC|Vp-p|Vrms Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M V|VDC|VAC|Vp-p|Vrms Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
m W Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u W Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n W Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
k W Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M W Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
k VA Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
m F Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u F Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n F Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
p F Divide the value by 1 x 10^12
c M Divide the value by 1 x 10^2
m M Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u M Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n M Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
k M Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
k Hz Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M Hz

Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
G Hz Multiply the value by 1 x 10^9
T Hz Multiply the value by 1 x 10^12
m s Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u s Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n s Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
p s Divide the value by 1 x 10^12
m g Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
k k Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
K bps Multiply the value by 1024
M bps Multiply the value by 1048576
G bps Multiply the value by 1073741824
T bps Multiply the value by 1099511627776
K Bps Multiply the value by 1024
M Bps Multiply the value by 1048576
G Bps Multiply the value by 1073741824
T Bps Multiply the value by 1099511627776
K Bd Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M Bd Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
G Bd Multiply the value by 1 x 10^9
K b Multiply the value by 1024
M b Multiply the value by 1048576
G b Multiply the value by 1073741824
T b Multiply the value by 1099511627776
K B Multiply the value by 1024
M B Multiply the value by 1048576
G B Multiply the value by 1073741824
T B Multiply the value by 1099511627776
m Ohm Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u Ohm Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n Ohm Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
k Ohm Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M Ohm Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
G Ohm Multiply the value by 1 x 10^9
m H Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u H Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
n H Divide the value by 1 x 10^9
k H Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
m bar Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
u bar Divide the value by 1 x 10^6
k bar Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
m Pa Divide the value by 1 x 10^3
h Pa Multiply the value by 1 x 10^2
k Pa Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M Pa Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
G Pa Multiply the value by 1 x 10^9
K N Multiply the value by 1 x 10^3
M N Multiply the value by 1 x 10^6
G N Multiply the value by 1 x 10^9
Enhanced Parametric Features

Gets all features and its distinct values for specific product line.

This operation returns features values detailed by each value (Value, Sign, Unit, Multiplier, Multiplier Value, Parts Count).

Returning feature value, Feature unit and value multiplier in separate attributes. Also handle the “|” separator between numeric values.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?


Mandatory parameters

one of the following two parameters must be present in the request parameters.

  • plName: Product line.
  • plId: Product line unique identifier.

Optional parameters

  • selectedFilters: Represents features names and values pairs that can be used to filter the result.
  • keyword: Filters data by the part number, part description or manufacturer name.
  • level: Determines the taxonomy tree level (Main category, Sub category or Product line).

Level 3 represents the product line level and it is the default.

  • pageNumber: The number of the paginated page.
  • pageSize: The size of the paginated page.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.


  • PlName: Product line or category name.
  • FeatureName: Feature name.
  • <span class="K9z0neaz">fetID:</span> Feature ID.
  • FeatureUnit: Feature unit.
  • FeatureType: Only has value N for numeric features empty otherwise.
  • FeatureValues: The parametric values below:
  • value: Parametric value.
  • sign: Value sign (i.e “±”, “>=”).
  • unit: Value unit (i.e. “Ohm”, “°C”)
  • multiplier: Value multiplier for numeric features only (please view Multipliers table)
  • multiplierValue: The value of this multiplier (i.e. “.0001”, “1000”)
  • partsCount: The count of parts contain this value.

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%2240000%20TO%2050000%22,%22multiplier%22:%22m%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": "40000 TO 50000","multiplier":"m"}]}]


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%22.00004%20TO%20.00005%22,%22multiplier%22:%22M%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": ".00004 TO .00005","multiplier":"M"}]}]


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%2240000000%20TO%2050000000%22,%22multiplier%22:%22u%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricFeatures?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": "40000000 TO 50000000","multiplier":"u"}]}]</a>

Get All features for product line (Laser Diodes) filtered by Maximum Output Current for values between 400 to 1000 using ‘m’ multiplier.

Parametric Search Result

Gets parametric values for specific product line with the ability to filter by advanced filters like multiplier.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?


Mandatory parameters

one of the following two parameters must be present in the request parameters.

  • plName: Product line.
  • plId: Product line unique identifier.

Optional parameters

  • selectedFilters: Represents features names and values pairs that can be used to filter the result.
  • keyword: Filters data by the part number, part description or manufacturer name.
  • level: Determines the taxonomy tree level (Main category, Sub category or Product line).

Level 3 represents the product line level and it is the default.

  • pageNumber: The number of the paginated page.
  • pageSize: The size ofthe paginated page.
  • fmt: Format of the response (JSON or XML) default is JSON.

Sample request

<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%2240000%20TO%2050000%22,%22multiplier%22:%22m%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": "40000 TO 50000","multiplier":"m"}]}]</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%22.00004%20TO%20.00005%22,%22multiplier%22:%22M%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": ".00004 TO .00005","multiplier":"M"}]}]</a>


<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser%20Diodes&selectedFilters=[{%20%22fetName%22:%20%22Maximum%20Output%20Current%22,%20%22values%22:[{%20%22value%22:%20%2240000000%20TO%2050000000%22,%22multiplier%22:%22u%22}]}]">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/parametric/getParametricSearchResult?plName=Laser Diodes&selectedFilters=[{ "fetName": "Maximum Output Current", "values":[{ "value": "40000000 TO 50000000","multiplier":"u"}]}]</a>

Get parametric values for product line (Laser Diodes) filtered by Maximum Output Current for values between 400 to 1000 using ‘m’ multiplier.

CPN Search

CPN Search Body

Search in customer CPN and returns customer data : You can search by CPN exact to get uploaded customer data.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/ CPNSearch?


Mandatory parameters

  • cpns: List of customer predefined CPNs. Allows to filter by CPN “cpn” as a mandatory filter and MPN “mpn” as an optional filter.

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: Specifies the number of the requested page, the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of results per page, the default is 50 parts per page.
  • fmt: format of the response (JSON OR XML) default is JSON


  • COM_ID: SE component ID.
  • CPN: Customer predfined CPN.
  • MPN: MPN.
  • Supplier: Supplier.

Sample request

Search by CPN only

Search by CPN and extra MPN filter

Cross Reference Search

Cross Reference Search Body

Retrieves a list of Cross reference data for the specified (list of) part number(s).By default it returns up to 50 cross components for each part number per page.

URL format: ProductAPI/search/xref?


Mandatory parameters

  • partNumber: Represent from one to a list of requested part numbers.
  • comIDs: Represent from one to a list of requested ComIDs.

Optional parameters

  • pageNumber: specifies the number of requested page ,the first page is the default.
  • pageSize: specifies the size of result per page ,the default is 50 parts per page.
  • crossType: it is used to filter the results by the cross type (A,A/Downgrade, A/Upgrade ,B,…) and represents the grade of similarity between a component and its cross.
  • manufacturer: represents the manufacturer of the requested part.
  • crossRohs:It is used to filter the crosses by their rohs values.
  • partStatus: it is used to filter the results by cross life cycle (obsolete,active,…).
  • bestCrossOnly: Determine if return the best cross only or all matching crosses. Values are “true” or “false”. Default is “false”.
  • fmt: format of the response (json OR xml) default is json

Sample request

  • Gets all crosses for the requested part (bav99).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{"partNumber":"bav99"}]&fmt=xml</a>
  • Gets all crosses for the requested part (bav99), specifiying the page size.
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22}]&fmt=xml&pageSize=100">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{"partNumber":"bav99"}]&fmt=xml&pageSize=100</a>
  • Gets all crosses for the requested part (bav99) with manufacturer (on semiconductor).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22on%20semiconductor%22}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"on semiconductor"}]&fmt=xml</a>
  • Gets all crosses for the requested parts (bav99) with manufacturer ( on semiconductor) and (bav99wt) with (on semiconductor) .
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22on%20semiconductor%22},{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99wt%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22on%20semiconductor%22}]&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"on semiconductor"},{"partNumber":"bav99wt","manufacturer":"on semiconductor"}]&fmt=xml</a>
  • Gets all crosses for the requested parts (bav99) filtering by crossType=B.
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22}]&crossType=B&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=
  • Gets all crosses for the requested parts (bav99) with manufacturer(on semiconductor) filtering by crossRohs=Yes
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22,%22manufacturer%22:%22on%20semiconductor%22}]&crossRohs=yes&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=
[{"partNumber":"bav99","manufacturer":"on semiconductor"}]&crossRohs=yes&fmt=xml</a>
  • Gets only obsolete and unconfirmed crosses for the requested parts (bav99).
<a href="https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/xref?parts=[{%22partNumber%22:%22bav99%22}]&partStatus=obsolete,unconfirmed&pageNumber=1&fmt=xml">https://api.siliconexpert.com/ProductAPI/search/



  • ComID: the SE component id.
  • PartNumber: the part number that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • Manufacturer: manufacturer of the part number.
  • Lifecycle: part status in the market like Preliminary, Active, NRND, LTB, Obsolete, Unconfirmed…
  • Datasheet: the data sheet URL.
  • Description: description for product name, it consists of values of some important parameters to give brief information about each product name.
  • RoHSStatus: ROHS Status determines the exact ROHS Status of the part “Yes, No, RoHS 5/6, Unknown”.
  • CrossID: the SE component id of cross part.
  • CrossPartNumber:the part number of cross part that matches the input part number in SE database.
  • CrossManufacturer: manufacturer of the cross part.
  • CrossLifecycle:cross part status in the market like Preliminary, Active,  NRND, LTB, Obsolete, Unconfirmed…
  • CrossDatasheet:the data sheet URL.
  • CrossDescription:description for cross product, it consists of values of some important parameters to give brief information about each product name.
  • CrossRoHSStatus:ROHS Status determines the exact ROHS Status of the part “Yes, No, RoHS 5/6, Unknown”.
  • PlName: product line name.
  • Type: represents cross or replacement type (for details Cross Type Definition).
  • FormFitFunction: Form Fit Function.
  • ReplacementSource: Replacement Source URL.


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Revision History




Version November-29-2020

New Features

  • Add extra optional filter parameter "mpn" to CPN Search.
  • Add COM_ID to output of CPN Search.
  • Add extra step to search by part's family if not found as exact part to List Part Search
Version June-21-2020

New Features

Version April-13-2020

New Features

Version Mar-08-2020

New Features


Version November-11-2019

New Features

Version July-14-2019

New Features

Version June-16-2019

New Features


  1. PinOutDataSource
  2. PinOuts
  3. DsPinSymbol
  4. PinNumber


  1. ImageUrl
  2. ManName
  3. PdfUrl
  4. RdShortDescription

Version May-12-2019

New Features

  1. Military Taxonomy
  2. Military Part Number
  3. NSN
  4. Vendor Part Number
  5. Military Specification
  6. FSC

Version April-14-2019

New Features

Version March-24-2019

New Features

Version March-03-2019

New Features

  • Add the functionality of search by PCN number and PCN number wild card at PCN Operation.
  • Add the functionality of sorting by date ASC and DESC at Part Detail Updates.

Version February-10-2019

New Features

Version January-20-2019

New Features

Version December-23-2018

New Features

Version November-25-2018

New Features

Version November-04-2018

New Features

Version September-02-2018

New Features

Version June-10-2018

New Features

  • Add flag showing static/dynamic Package to Get All Taxonomy.
  • Add New Parametric Service.

Version May-21-2018

New Features

Version April-30-2018

New Features

Version April-08-2018

New Features

Version Feb-11-2018

New Features

  • Add the functionality of searching by manufacturer in keyword search service in case of searching by description.
  • Adding Qualifications section to part details service.

Version January-28-2018

New Features

Version December-27-2017

New Features

  • Add part details feature update.

Version November-19-2017

New Features

Version September-17-2017

New Features

Version September-10-2017

New Features

Version August-27-2017

New Features

Version August-13-2017

New Features

Version July-04-2017

New Features

Version April-23-2017

New Features

Version March-26-2017

New Features

  • Add 'CountriesOfOrigin' feature to summary section in part details.
  • Add 'ChinaRohS' and 'Halogen Free' features to environemntal section in part details.