New SCIP Database 2.0 Released –
Data on Reducing Hazardous Substances

By: SiliconExpert on November 24th, 2021

November 24, 2021 – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has released a new version of the SCIP database, version 2.0 “Dissemination platform V2”. 


Importance of the SCIP Database

The SCIP Database (Substances of Concern In Products) is a list of data concerning materials and substances of very high concern (SVHCs). This database was developed in close cooperation with SiliconExpert and other industry stakeholders as a way to reduce the amount of hazardous waste and improve safety for those handling waste.  

The main objective is to improve safety and protect the general public as well as the environment by encouraging the replacement of hazardous chemicals and substances in articles and products.


Outline of changes in the new version: 

  • Users can search the database by SCIP number – only complete and valid SCIP numbers are accepted, no partial matches 
  • Data submitted by Simplified SCIP Notifications (SSNs) will be processed starting December 2021 
  • The search block for article identifiers has been improved 
  • Searching by specific identifier types (brand name, serial number, EAN code, etc) is now possible 
  • The database has been adapted to the new IUCLID format, including updates to the article categories (category list based on the integrated Tariff of the European Union “TARIC” list) 
  • Technical updates were made to make the front-end portal load quicker and improve the processing of larger and more complex articles


Access SCIP Reports and Compliance Information

If you want a full SCIP report for your database of parts, we offer a SCIP Reports tab, where you can get a full scan of your entire database within SCIP. For more compliance-related inquiries, we offer a free Compliance Tab tool within our software that helps customers stay on top of regulations. 

To learn more about SCIP reports and other compliance regulation tools, please contact your SiliconExpert support representative, or contact us below. 

References and More Information: 




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